His & Hers Address Labels 1539378

My Address Labels – Template: youtique bridal His Hers 919761


I am hoping this will be helpful to others using the Gold Foil His & Hers Labels 1539378.  I bought these gold foil labels to create my in-law’s 60th Wedding Anniversary party favor.


I originally used the template provided on Hobby Lobby’s website but the alignment was off and the paper size was different from your standard sheet.  Since these are beautiful, I was determined to use them.   I  had to reconfigure the whole document and it finally worked after a lot of time testing and realigning margins.


Testing in all the different ink colors so I won’t waste another sheet 😉

I am hoping you won’t have to go through the same frustrations I went through so below is the link to my document.  You can download it by clicking on the highlighted link.

youtique bridal His Hers 1539378

I opened the document on my phone to view it, but the font was altered so here is how mine looked in pdf form.  I used Edwardian Script & Didot for the font:
youtique bridal His Hers 919761 Final

Here are the steps I recommend:

  1. Test First : cut-to-size a sample paper.
  2. Print out the test paper
  3. Lay it on top of the labels sheet to make sure it fits
  4. Change fonts to your liking & realign if needed
  5. If everything looks good, print 🙂

Also FYI, carefully peel the labels since they do not come off smoothly.  I hope this is helpful!  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Feel free to check out my YouTube Channel for more tutorials.  Thank you for reading!

Have a great day!

Ann Ngo


Purchased the templates at Hobby Lobby:

ps. Below is how I created the Party Favors.


ps. Thank you Adreienne for your inquiry, here are my measurements when printed out on an 8.5×11.  I hope it works for you.IMG_8624

Celebrate Life : DIY Pomander Tree

Final pomander tree

The Flower Pomander Tree I made for Cat’s Birthday Party: Video Tutorial Below

Greetings Everyone!

I hope you are all doing very well.  For those of you who have been following me, I know it felt like I disappeared this Summer but I’m still here.  For the guests who are visiting for the first time…Hello and Welcome:)

This is going to be a little personal post.  If you are here for the tutorials, you can skip right on over to my Youtique Bridal Youtube Channel by clicking “here” or feel free to skim over my blog posts.  For those who are deciding to move forward with the post….I hope you enjoy.  Either way, thank you:)

With 1 or 2 words, how would you describe or sum up your 2014 Summer?  Please don’t be shy, leave it in the comment section below.  Mine would be “Celebrate Life.”  My 2014 Summer has been filled with ups and downs — thank goodness for more ups:) As some of you may know, I lost a friend to cancer early this Summer.  Although I did not make it in time to say goodbye in person, I had the opportunity to visit Thuy-Anh at the funeral home and say it with my heart.  I left Canada with a reminder of how fragile life is and how time is precious.  So when Birthdays came along this Summer, it was the perfect time to spend it with friends and family to celebrate life.

This 2014 Summer was full of opportunities to celebrate life…

*My nephew Noah (Sister’s Son) and Timothy (Mr.T’s Brother’s Son) both turned one.  They are the most ADORABLE curious and fearless little boys.  Did I mention they are ADORABLE?

*Quality time with my niece Theresa for her birthday.  She is now a beautiful young lady trying to find her way in this world.  You will make it Theresa!  Hang in there and don’t sacrifice your integrity:)

*Mr. T turned a year older and we kept it simple by counting the number of white hairs he grew instead of counting candles.  Just kidding!  He got to cut his birthday cake at my parents:) On the same weekend, we celebrated my nephew Evan’s birthday.  He turned 5 and will start kindergarten this year.  I can’t believe it!

*We did miss a birthday celebration cause I had to leave for Canada:(…Happy Birthday Mark!  He turned 8 years old this year.  It would have been fun to play laser tag.  Maybe next year?

*My God daughter Sweet & Sassy Serena turned 4.  Her mommy wanted to keep it simple so we sang Happy Birthday to her on a Play Date.  I enjoyed this small intimate weekday gathering cause there was no pressure to decorate and plan…it was really nice:)  However, her 5th is going to be an all out party:)

*My good friend Fabulous Phoebe celebrated her 40th with a belly dancing class….so much fun!  I have to admit, my flabby belly was already dancing before this class.  lol!

*My best friend in the whole wide world, Cat (Cathy), celebrated her 40th pool side, nice and relaxing—exactly what I needed.  Btw, I’ve known this gorgeous girl since the 2nd grade.  We spent the whole party listening to 80’s music and reminiscing about our childhood and youth from loooooooong ago.  Great memories!  Here are a few photos of the Flower Pomander Tree I made for her Pool Party, you can also check out the video tutorial that inspired the tree at the end of the post:

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*My Brother Phil’s birthday is on the same day as my best friend’s…he celebrated in Cancun — missed him lots but can’t blame him for not being here:)

*And Uncle Thong (my brother-in-law)…he got caked in the face for his birthday celebration.  That was awesome!

*My Coach Okwui who whipped me into shape this year also celebrated his birthday.  He helped me rebuild my physical and mental health.  He’s a tough coach!  Check him out on Instagram Fitness Lab 101:   http://instagram.com/fitnesslab101

Besides birthday parties, my family and I spent a large portion of our Summer hanging out at the library, swimming at a pool (I like to hide under a big hat so my freckles won’t get darker), gardening (yes, I now enjoy gardening), and chewing a lot of gum (I’ll share more on this later:) gum I did get to start on a few quick personal sewing projects and I’ll share those with you in the future.  This past June, I was invited to teach a “fun” class at Francesca’s Corporate Office.  I really enjoyed the experience.  I’ll be sharing that with you along with my new video tutorial coming out next week…stay tuned!

Summer 2014 is now coming to an end…what I’ve learned: It does not matter how long or short your life may be, all that matters is how you lived your dash:)  Well, here’s a little poem to leave you with: Dash by Linda Ellis:

I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on the tombstone
from the beginning…to the end.

He noted that first came the date of birth
and spoke the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time
that they spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved them
know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own,
the cars…the house…the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.

So, think about this long and hard.
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
that can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough
to consider what’s true and real
and always try to understand
​the way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we’ve never loved before. 

If we treat each other with respect
and more often wear a smile,
remembering that this special dash
might only last a little while.

​So, when your eulogy is being read,
with your life’s actions to rehash…
would you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent YOUR dash?

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If you would like to learn how to make the Flower Pomander Ball, feel free to view the Flower Girl Pomander Ball tutorial featuring Guest Florist Tracy.  For Cat’s Flower Pomander tree, I used several different size styrofoam balls for visual interest.  Enjoy!