Upcycle a Wedding Gown into a Baptismal Dress : Eva M.


What did you do with your wedding gown after your big day?  Eva M. repurposed her delicate lace wedding gown into an heirloom Baptismal dress for her daughter Millie.  How EXTRA special is that?! It was a creative way to preserve the dress and pass it down in her family for generations to come.
Well, I hope you all had a wonderful start to your summer.  I have been wanting to share this story for awhile now so this was the perfect way to start my summer blogging.  I had asked Eva some questions about her wedding day, the process of creating Millie’s Baptismal dress, wedding/marriage tips, and her blessed journey having Millie.  Find out more by reading below….
Eva married Carlo M. on November 3, 2012 at Briscoe Manor in Houston, Texas.
1. What was the most memorable moment from your wedding?
EVA: My husband surprised me and our guests with fireworks.
2. Do you have any wedding planning tips?
Eva: use a spreadsheet and stay in budget!  Remember, its a memorable day…but still one day out of a lifetime, don’t blow your budget.
3. Do you have any tips on marriage for young couples?
-Continue to date each other after the marriage.
-always end phone conversations with “I love you” and kiss each other before saying saying “good night”
-hold hands and hug often; the power of touch is speaks volumes.
4. What inspired you to reuse your wedding gown and create a Baptismal dress?
I spent so much money on finding the perfect dress.  I wanted to make it something that could be passed down.  I know wedding dresses tend to become dated to rewear so I turned it into a baptismal dress that could be worn by my daughter and her daughter.  It would be something special that my daughter can wear it in the same church I wore it years ago.  Hopefully becoming a family tradition and heirloom.
5.  What was the process you used to create the baptismal dress?
I researched on Pinterest other examples of wedding dresses being repurposed into christening dresses and looked for shops on Etsy.  I found one in another state that had great reviews.  I was a little nervous mailing my dress to a stranger and emotional knowing it would be cut apart, but I said my goodbyes and shipped it off.
6. I know briefly of your daughter’s miracle story and if you’re comfortable sharing any of it, that would be a wonderful testimony.
We spent years trying to get pregnant with no success.  We decided to meet with a fertility specialist in hopes they could help us.  I was devastated to learn that I could never conceive naturally and that I would always need IVF to carry a child.
Halfway through, I was told I had very low chances of pregnancy with my own eggs.  Donor eggs were suggested.  I struggled with the idea of it but I knew it didn’t matter…my child will always be mine; despite not sharing the same DNA.
My first round of IVF with donor eggs was successful.  I became pregnant and we were very excited.  Around 20 weeks, I began swelling and had migraines all the time.  I was diagnosed with superimposed Pre-eclampsia.  Medications to help my blood pressure to  stay normal did not help, and I delivered at 26 weeks.  Sadly, because of her prematurity, we lost our daughter, Elle, due to complications while she was in NICU.
I went through a long dark period but with the help of my husband, we found the strength to try again.  We got pregnant again.  However, it was not without complication; I developed Pre-eclampsia again as well as Vasa Previa.  Both me and my baby were in danger again; but with close observation from a wonderful high risk OB/gyn, at 34 weeks, I safely delivered our rainbow baby girl.  She is now almost two years old and the light of life.
Eva, I did not realize the struggle & heartbreak you had to go through.  Thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing your story with us – you are truly strong & courageous!
Her husband Carlo is a childhood friend of my brother Philip and I have been honored to have crossed paths with Eva through the years.  I also got to meet precious Millie at my very first Wedding Show.  Thank you Eva for bringing her by my booth.  She is absolutely beautiful!
I hope Eva gave you some inspiration on what to do with your wedding dress and I know she is an inspiration in many other ways.  I am a big believer on repurposing quality & sentimental items and this is a great way to preserve something special.  Well, I hope you have an EXTRAordinary day.
To see other items you can create with your wedding gown, feel free to visit my Pinterest board at: